Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cisco CCNA: IPX Networking

Cisco CCNA: IPX Networking

Unit 1. IPX Protocols

Novell NetWare has been popular in client/server networks for quite some time. Although originally intended for LAN networks, Novell has expanded to LAN and WAN networks.
In this course, you will examine some Novell protocols and then take a close look at IPX addressing and encapsulation procedures. You will need this information for the last portion of the course, which covers IPX routing and IPX configuration commands.
In this first unit, you'll take a look at the NetWare suite of protocols.

After completing this unit, you should be able to:
  • Identify the position of Novell NetWare protocols in the OSI reference model

  • Describe IPX and SPX functions

  • Define and differentiate the routing protocols Novell RIP and NLSP

  • Explain SAP operations and problems in IPX routing

This unit does not address any specific Cisco objectives. However, it does provide background information that is essential for the CCNA exam.
In the course index, questions about background information are indicated with the abbreviation BCK and a short description of the question subject matter.

Topic 1.1: Introduction to Novell NetWare

*Good for LAN and WAN
NetWare is Novell's network server operating system. Although originally created for LAN client/server networks, NetWare is now used for both LAN and WAN networking. A notable LAN example is IBM LAN networks that use NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System) applications to carry out Transport- and Session-layer processes.
Cisco routers are frequently part of Novell networks.

*NetWare Protocols
NetWare is actually a suite of protocols. The protocols, listed below, operate on five layers of the OSI reference model:
  • IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange)
  • NCP (NetWare Core Protocol)
  • NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System)
  • NetWare Shell
  • NLSP (NetWare Link Services Protocol)
  • Novell RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
  • SAP (Service Advertising Protocol)
  • SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange)

*The Routing Protocols
We will discuss in depth the protocols involved in routing — IPX, SPX, NLSP, Novell RIP, and SAP.

Topic 1.2: IPX and SPX

*SPX and IPX: Similar to TCP/IP
SPX (Sequenced Packet Exchange) at the Transport layer, and IPX at the Network layer, are comparable to TCP/IP.
Both work together to deliver packets across networks.

*IPX: Connectionless Packet Delivery
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) provides connectionless packet delivery. Because it is connectionless, IPX does not exchange acknowledgments. IPX is responsible for logical network addressing, node addressing, and internetwork routing. It can provide multiple logical networks on one interface, as long as all the logical networks on the interface use just one type of encapsulation. IPX encapsulation is discussed later.

*SPX: Connection-Oriented Packet Delivery
SPX is connection-oriented. SPX provides connection ID addressing, end-to-end flow control, and error checking.

SPX/IPX packets can be encapsulated inside UDP/IP headers for routing across IP internetworks.

Question 1

Topic 1.3: Novell RIP and NLSP

*Dynamic Routing Protocols
Dynamic routing protocols, such as Novell RIP and NLSP, assist IPX in routing packets in internetworks. We'll look at Novell RIP first. Novell RIP, which is a distance vector protocol, is the default for NetWare prior to version 4.11.

Topic 1.3.1: Novell RIP

*Working with SAP and IPX
Novell RIP works with SAP, which we will discuss later in this unit. Together, Novell RIP, SAP, and IPX provide route determination, route discovery, and service availability.

Novell RIP is also called Novell IPX RIP and IPX RIP. Each of these names differentiates this RIP from the RIP discussed previously, which is commonly called IP RIP or simply RIP.

*Response and Request Packets
IPX routers broadcast RIP packets, which can be either response or request packets.
Response and request packets share identical formats: both contain a packet type (either requests for routing tables or responses containing routing tables), network address, number of hops to a destination, and number of ticks to reach a destination.

*Two Metrics: Ticks and Hops
Ticks and hops are the two metrics used for path determination.
Ticks are 1/18th-second time increments that indicate delay. Delay is the time it takes to send a packet from its source to its destination.

*Ticks over Hops
Ticks take precedence over hops when determining the best route.
If the available routes have equal tick values, then the route with the smallest hop count is chosen.
If the available routes have equal tick values and equal hop values, then the route with the most recent routing table entry is chosen.

*RIP Packet Broadcast Times
RIP packets are broadcast at these times: router initialization; periodic, specified time intervals (60 seconds by default) during normal operation; after reconfiguration; and when the router goes down.

*Broadcasting the New Table
For example, if any IPX router undergoes reconfiguration, it broadcasts its new routing table, and then every other router on the network broadcasts its routing table.
If the IPX router goes down, it rebroadcasts its routing table; however, this time the routing table shows that the router is unreachable, i.e., at 16 hops away, for all of its routes.

*Step 1
Let's look at how IPX routers use Novell RIP during normal operation. The steps are the same for Novell RIP and IP RIP.
First, a router broadcasts its routing table at a specified time interval, which is sixty seconds by default.
The routing table contains information for directly connected networks.

*Step 2
Next, the router broadcasts a request for neighboring routers to broadcast their routing tables.

*Step 3
The neighboring routers respond by broadcasting their routing tables.

*Step 4
The router, after receiving others' updates, adds distance vector metrics to make its own routing table.

*Step 5
Finally, the router broadcasts its routing table to neighboring networks.

*Split Horizon Routing
Because of split horizon routing, router broadcasts only go to neighboring networks, not back to the routers originating the updates.
Even with the use of the split horizon algorithm, broadcasting with Novell RIP can cause network congestion. That is why some administrators choose Enhanced IGRP or NLSP instead of Novell RIP.
That is also why NLSP is now the default protocol on newer versions of NetWare. We'll discuss NLSP in the next section.

Question 2

Question 3

Topic 1.3.2: NLSP

NLSP (NetWare Link Services Protocol) is derived from IS-IS. It is often substituted for Novell RIP/SAP in large LAN networks or in WANs.

*The Benefits of NLSP
NLSP offers the following benefits:
  • Consumes less bandwidth than RIP/SAP

  • Converges relatively quickly after network topology changes

  • Supports 127 hops

  • Maintains three databases of link-state information

  • Divides networks into a routing hierarchy of areas, domains, and internetworks

  • Offers scalability for growing internetworks, primarily because it supports 127 hop counts and hierarchical routing

You can use both Novell RIP and NLSP in one internetwork. In implementations like this, the LAN portion typically uses Novell RIP and the WAN portion typically uses NLSP.
This combination benefits the internetwork by increasing network performance while decreasing the overhead needs for network management.

*Dividing Networks
NLSP divides networked systems into internetworks, which can be divided into domains, which can be further subdivided into areas.

*Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Routers
The routers in an area are called Level 1 routers. Level 2 routers connect different areas in a domain. Level 3 routers connect domains. Each level of router stores information pertinent to its level. This means that Level 1 router databases contain information for every router in that specific area. Level 2 routers keep information for every area in the routing domain. Level 3 routers keep information about every domain in the internetwork.

*Area Addresses
The network hierarchy is reflected in NLSP addressing. An NLSP address is called an area address. The 64-bit, hexadecimal address consists of a 32-bit (4 bytes, 8 hexadecimal digits) network address and a 32-bit (4 bytes, 8 hexadecimal digits) mask. The network address can be subdivided into the network area first, followed by an individual network number.
A domain can have any number and combination of area addresses. An area can have three different area addresses, and each area address can have its own mask.

*Designated Routers
Each router in an area maintains three databases containing the same copies of link-state information. Before we can list the databases, we must define two terms.
A designated router (DR) is usually a more powerful router that carries out additional processing, such as database synchronizing, for a logical network.
One DR serves one logical network. The DR can be identified by other routers because it carries the highest value in the priority field of an NLSP packet.

A pseudonode is a virtual — or non-existent — network device that represents all of the NLSP routers in a network.
The pseudonode takes the place of several routers in the databases. The DR keeps track of the pseudonode and its router links.

*Router Databases
Router databases consist of the following:
  • Adjacency database

  • Link-state database

  • Forwarding database

*Adjacency Database
The adjacency database contains a router's immediate neighbors and their status.
This information is communicated through hello packets, which will be discussed soon.
If a router, or a connection between routers, becomes inoperative, the record of these adjacencies is removed from the database.

*Link-State Database
The link-state database contains the connectivity of an area.
This information includes a router's name, direct links, network number, and available services.

*Forwarding Database
The forwarding database contains shortest path information, which is computed with Dijkstra's shortest path first (SPF) algorithm.
The SPF algorithm uses the information contained in the adjacency and link-state databases.

*Creating the Adjacency Database
When a router first starts up, it discovers neighbor routers and sets up the adjacency database. Neighbor — or adjacent — NLSP routers exchange hello packets among themselves. The hello packets contain the internal IPX address of the source router, the network's designated router, the adjacent router's MAC address, and the hello packet interval.

*Identical Link-State Databases
Next, designated routers send LSPs (link state packets) to exchange and update link-state information routers in the pseudonode. Therefore, all routers in a pseudonode should have identical link-state databases.

*Creating and Updating the Forwarding Databases
After the adjacency and link-state databases are created, routers calculate routes using the SPF algorithm. Route determination depends on cost, which is configured by the network administrator. Cost numbers range from 1–63, and the best route has the lowest number. This information is stored in the forwarding databases.
Forwarding databases are updated when a link-state database changes. Designated routers update, or synchronize, all databases as changes occur. LSPs are sent to all routers on the network, not just the pseudonode, to keep database information updated everywhere on the network.

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Topic 1.4: SAP

*SAP Advertisements
NetWare servers use SAP (Service Advertising Protocol) advertisements to broadcast upper-layer services and server addresses to NetWare clients across a network.
This SAP information is used to update the SITs (Server Information Tables). Routers use the broadcasted information to compile the SITs. Routers then forward the SITs, but not the SAPs, to other routers. By default, servers broadcast SAP advertisements every 60 seconds, and routers forward the SITs every 60 seconds.

*Types of SAP Packets
There are three types of SAP packets:
  • Periodic SAP information broadcasts: These are the SITs.

  • SAP service queries: Clients send these when they are in search of a service.

  • SAP service responses: These are the packets that respond to service query packets. Service responses are categorized as General Service responses for broadcasts and Nearest Service responses for service requests.

*SAP Broadcasts
SAP broadcasts work somewhat like RIP broadcasts. First, a router broadcasts the SAP services on its local network: this is a periodic SAP information broadcast. Then the router broadcasts the service query, which asks neighboring routers and servers to send their available services.
Neighboring routers and servers send a service response that contains their SIT information. The router copies all of this incoming SIT information into its own SIT. And last, the router broadcasts its SIT in an information broadcast.

*Finding the Nearest Server
One type of SAP service query and response is called GNS (Get Nearest Server). Novell clients use this to find the nearest server.
If a server is found on the same network segment, the NetWare server sends a response.
If no server is found on the same network segment, then the router will respond with the nearest server.

*Filtering SAPs
As you can imagine, SAP broadcasts can flood a network. However, you can choose to filter SAPs in these ways:
  • By incoming service: Each SAP service is assigned a unique hexadecimal number. As an administrator, you can choose to filter incoming SAP services of a specific type before adding them to the SIT.
  • By outgoing interface: You can filter which outgoing services are advertised, via the SIT table, to a specific interface.
  • By source: You can filter SAP messages from a specific router on a specific interface. We will discuss filtering in more detail in a later course.

Question 7

Question 8

* Exercise 1
Try describing the Novell protocols and their function in Cisco routing.

Examine the following table
Step Action
1 Make a sketch of the OSI reference model.
2 List all of the protocols involved in Novell routing. Include Novell NetWare protocols and Novell RIP.
3 Place each protocol in the layer(s) of the OSI reference model where it functions.
4 Describe what each protocol does. Explain what differentiates each protocol from others that perform the same general function. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Topic 1.5: Unit 1 Summary

Novell routing is an everyday occurrence in the world of routing. The Novell NetWare suite of protocols allows routing in LAN and WAN environments.
In this unit, you studied the names and functions of Novell protocols. Learning the protocols will help you in the next unit, which introduces addressing and encapsulation.

Unit 2. IPX Addressing and Encapsulation

Once you are familiar with the protocols in a Novell IPX network, you need to know how to determine an IPX address and encapsulate IPX packets.
In this unit, you will examine the components of an IPX address, and how IPX addresses differ from IP addresses. Next, you will study the types of encapsulation of IPX packets.

After completing this unit, you should be able to:
  • Identify the parts of an IPX address

  • List the differences between IPX and IP addresses

  • List the types of encapsulation used in IPX networking

  • Describe the circumstances best suited for each encapsulation type

This unit provides information that is relevant to the following CCNA exam objectives:
  • Describe the two parts of network addressing; then identify the parts in specific protocol address examples

  • List the required IPX address and encapsulation type

Topic 2.1: Novell IPX Addresses

*Novell IPX Address Structure
A Novell IPX address is a unique hexadecimal number that is 80 bits — or 10 bytes — long.
The first 32 bits make up the network number, and the last 48 bits make up the node number. The node number is a MAC address burned into the interface board that connects a device to a network.

*Network Number Assignment
The network number is usually assigned by the network administrator. The 32 bits in the network address equals four bytes or eight hexadecimal digits. If the network number begins with zeros, typically the leading zeros are dropped and just the significant digits are identified.

*The Logical Wire
The network number of the IPX address applies to the logical wire (i.e., the physical network segment). All routers on the same logical wire must share the same IPX network address. This address must be unique with respect to the internetwork.

Although the network number is usually assigned by the network administrator, there is an exception for networks accessing public WANs.
Some public WANs require an address that has been assigned by the Novell Network Registry.

*Node Number
The node number is 48 bits –– that is, 6 bytes or 12 hexadecimal digits –– in length. The 12 hexadecimal digits are commonly represented as dotted triplets of four hexadecimal digits. The node number can be the MAC address of a file server, workstation, printer or router. The node number must be unique within the network.

*Assuming the Node
Because a WAN interface doesn't have a MAC address, the interface assumes the node number from a corresponding network address. The node number usually is the first Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI interface card detected. If no MAC address can be found, the IOS assigns a random number that is generated using the system clock.

*An Example of IPX Addresses
In the example shown, 00006d43 is the network and 000000c56de33 is the node for the Ethernet interface; and 0000003b is the network for the serial interface. In this example, the leading zeros for network numbers have been omitted, and the interface addresses are presented in dotted-decimal format. Therefore, for easier reading, the IPX addresses are written as 6d43.0000.0c56.de33 and 3b.0000.0c56.de33.
Notice that the S0 interface has network number 3b and the node number 000000c56de33, which is the same as that for the E0 interface.

*Comparing IPX and IP Addresses
The following is a comparison of IPX and IP addresses:
  • IPX addresses are 80 bits, IP addresses are 32 bits.

  • The IPX network number is often assigned by the network administrator. The IP network number is assigned by InterNIC (if the address is part of the Internet).

  • The IPX node number is the MAC address. The corresponding IP host number is a variable number of variable size, depending on subnetting and supernetting, and is assigned by the local network administrator.

  • Because the MAC address is part of the IPX address, the use of IPX addresses means it's easier to find a device on a specified network. In contrast, the use of IP addresses means ARP is needed to correlate the node number with a destination device.

Question 9

Question 10

Topic 2.2: Determining Valid IPX Addresses

*Unique Addresses
As we've already stated, the IPX network address must be unique with respect to the internetwork. The node address must be unique within the network.
Cisco routers must use the same IPX network address as the network where the router resides.

*Determining the IPX Address
To determine the IPX address for your router, the easiest way is to ask your network administrator. Alternatively, you can Telnet to a neighbor Cisco router and enter one of the following commands:
  • Router#show cdp neighbors detail
  • Router#show running-config

Topic 2.3: Encapsulation

*IPX Encapsulation
IPX networks support several types of encapsulation. IPX encapsulation consists of the Data-Link layer framing of IPX packets. A complete IPX packet is shown here.
Novell's names for the encapsulation types differ slightly from Cisco IOS names. When configuring encapsulation on Cisco routers, you must use the Cisco name, not Novell's. The table on the next page lists the names for the encapsulation types.

*Encapsulation Names
Examine the following table
Interface Novell Name Cisco Name
Ethernet Ethernet_802.3 novell-ether
   Ethernet_802.2 sap
   Ethernet_II arpa
   Ethernet_SNAP snap
Token Ring Token-Ring sap
   Token-Ring_SNAP snap
   FDDI_802.2 sap
   FDDI_Raw novell-fddi
Serial    hdlc

*The Default for Cisco
The default encapsulation for Cisco routers is novell-ether, which is Novell's Ethernet_802.3.
For Novell servers, Ethernet_802.3 (Cisco's novell-ether) is the default for NetWare versions 2 through 3.11.
Ethernet_802.2 (Cisco's sap) is the default for NetWare versions later than 3.11.
This means Cisco and NetWare use different default encapsulations in later versions of NetWare; therefore, be aware of the fact that you may need to change a default encapsulation in your IPX environment.

*Serial Encapsulation
The serial encapsulation HDLC is typically used in WANs.

*Different Network Numbers
Although more than one encapsulation type can be used on an interface, each type of encapsulation must have a different network number.
Devices using one type of encapsulation cannot directly pass packets to devices using a different type of encapsulation.

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Topic 2.4: IPX Frames

Now, we'll show you the Ethernet frames used in IPX encapsulations.
The first one is Ethernet_802.3 (Cisco's novell-ether). This is the default for NetWare 3.11 and earlier.

Ethernet_802.2 (Cisco's sap) is the default for NetWare versions 3.12 and later. It is also used for OSI routing.

Ethernet_II (Cisco's arpa) is commonly used with TCP/IP and DECnet.

Ethernet_SNAP (Cisco's snap) is commonly used with TCP/IP and AppleTalk.

Question 14

Question 15

Question 16

Topic 2.5: Unit 2 Summary

In this unit, you examined IPX addresses and types of encapsulation. By the sheer quantity of questions presented in this unit, you probably realized that encapsulation is an important subject to study for the CCNA exam.
In the next unit, we'll cover the practical aspects of IPX routing. We'll examine the configuration of Cisco routers in your IPX network.

Unit 3. Configuring IPX

By now, you are familiar with several interface and protocol configurations. IPX configuration is similar in many respects to configurations you've already examined.
In this unit, you will configure IPX routing, routes, and the protocols EIGRP and NLSP. You will take a look at some different configurations, such as shutting down an interface and optimizing IPX routing.

After completing this unit, you should be able to:
  • Enable IPX routing

  • Configure static or default routes

  • List commands that optimize IPX routing

  • Configure the routing protocols EIGRP and NLSP

This unit does not address any specific Cisco objectives. However, it does provide background information that is essential for the CCNA exam.
In the course index, questions about background information are indicated with the abbreviation BCK and a short description of the question subject matter.

Topic 3.1: Enabling IPX Routing

*Command for Enabling IPX Routing
The first step in configuring IPX routing is to enable it on your router and then on each interface. This is the syntax.
Router(config)#ipx routing [node]
The node is the node number of the router. Notice that the node number is optional; there are instances where you may not want to specify the node number, such as when configuring both DECnet and IPX routing on the same interface.
Router(config)#ipx routing

Question 17

*Assign Network Numbers
The second step is to assign network numbers to each interface.
An interface can serve one or more networks. As you learned previously, different encapsulation types require different network numbers.

*Syntax for Configuring a Single Network
When configuring a single network, use this syntax:
Router(config)#interface type
Router(config-if)#ipx network network [encapsulation encapsulation-type]
You don't have to configure the encapsulation at this point. Of course, when you do configure encapsulation, you must choose the one encapsulation type that matches that of the servers and clients in the network.
Router(config)#ipx routing
Router(config)#interface ethernet 1
Router(config-if)#ipx network 6d43

*Configuring Subinterfaces
When configuring one interface with multiple networks, you can choose to use subinterfaces or secondary networks. We'll discuss subinterfaces first. A subinterface is one or more logical interfaces on one physical interface.
Here is the syntax for configuring subinterfaces:
Router(config)#interface type number.subinterface-number
Router(config-if)#ipx network network [encapsulation encapsulation-type]
Router(config)#ipx routing
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0.1
Router(config-if)#ipx network 3b2c encapsulation novell-ether

*One Type of Encapsulation per Interface
Repeat these configuration commands for each subinterface. The subinterfaces can use different encapsulations, but only one encapsulation type is allowed per subinterface.
Router(config)#ipx routing
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0.1
Router(config-if)#ipx network 1 encapsulation novell-ether
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0.2
Router(config-if)#ipx network 2 encapsulation sap

*Configuring Primary and Secondary Networks
Primary and secondary networks are logical networks configured on one interface. Secondary networks are additional networks you configure on an interface after you've configured the first — or primary — interface.
Here is the syntax for configuring primary and secondary logical networks:
Router(config)#interface type
Router(config-if)#ipx network network [encapsulation encapsulation-type] [secondary]
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0
Router(config-if)#ipx network 1 encapsulation novell-ether

*One Type of Encapsulation per Network
Repeat these configuration commands for each primary and secondary network. The networks can use different encapsulations, but only one encapsulation type is allowed per network.
Router(config)#ipx routing
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0
Router(config-if)#ipx network 1 encapsulation novell-ether
Router(config-if)#ipx network 2 encapsulation sap secondary
Router(config-if)#ipx network 3 encapsulation snap secondary

*Encapsulation for Secondary Networks
Here is another example. The encapsulation for each secondary network must match the encapsulation used by the clients and servers on the same network number.
Router(config)#ipx routing
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0
Router(config-if)#ipx network 6d43 encapsulation novell-ether
Router(config-if)#ipx network 4b encapsulation arpa secondary

*Subinterfaces and Secondary Networks
Subinterfaces and secondary networks differ in one significant respect. Interface options you configure on a subinterface affect only that subinterface. In contrast, interface options configured on one logical network affect all the logical networks for that interface.
Also, you must choose a subinterface over a secondary network when you are using multiple encapsulations on one interface and NLSP as your routing protocol.

Question 18

Question 19

Topic 3.1.1: Default or Static Routes

*Configuring Static or Default Routes
You can configure a static or default route with the following command:
Router(config)#ipx route {network [network-mask]|default} {network.node|interface} [ticks] [hops] [floating-static]
The argument network is the hexadecimal number that identifies the network where the target IPX is located. The number can range from 1 to FFFFFFFD. Leading zeros can be omitted. The optional network-mask identifies the part of the network address that all of the network addresses share, according to the NLSP route summary.

*The default Argument
The default argument denotes a default route. If the default option is chosen, the non-routable, but non-local, packets are sent to the network.node, where network is the hexadecimal number that identifies the network where the target IPX is located, and node is the node number of the destination Novell server. It is presented in the format of a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers.

*Using interface
The interface is the interface where packets for the specified network are forwarded. If you configure with interface instead of network.node, the interface must be an IPX WAN (IPXWAN), unnumbered interface.

*Optional: ticks, hops, and floating-static
The optional ticks specifies the allowable delay for the static route. The range is 1–65534 ms. The tick interval of 1/18 second equals about 55 ms.
The optional hops is the number of hops allowed to reach the network identified in the static route. The range is 1–254.
The option floating-static means that a dynamic route will replace the static route if the static route goes down.

Question 20

Topic 3.1.2: Shutting Down

*Disabling an Interface
Like other router interfaces, you can use this command to administratively disable an interface:
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0
*Another Way
There is another way to shut down Novell networks.The following command syntax administratively disables an interface in a Novell-compliant way that results in faster convergence:
Router(config-if)#ipx down network
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0

Topic 3.2: Configurations to Optimize Routing

*Load Sharing
Load sharing can be configured on IPX internetworks. Load sharing involves the distributing of data over equal-cost, parallel paths. In load sharing, the same paths take turns sending packets on a packet-by-packet basis.
This feature generally speeds up data transmission. The exceptions include networks with relatively large numbers of equal-cost, parallel paths, and networks that cannot easily store packets that are out of sequence.

*Limiting Load Sharing Paths
Consequently, you may want to limit the number of load-sharing paths on your router. To do this, use the following command syntax:
Router(config)#ipx maximum-paths paths
Router(config)#ipx maximum-paths 4

*Out-of-Sequence Problems
To minimize the problem of out-of-sequence problems, you can set the following:
Router(config)#ipx per-host-load-share
Per-host-load-sharing means that the router will still perform load-sharing over multiple, equal-cost paths, but all of the packets going to one host destination will still be routed on the same path.
Router(config)#ipx maximum-paths 4
Router(config)#ipx per-host-load-share

*Changing the IPX Delay
You can change the IPX delay for an interface. The IPX delay is the number of ticks used with Novell RIP. This is the format:
Router(config-if)#ipx delay number
The number is the number of clock ticks you want to specify as the delay. One clock tick is 1/18 of a second (approximately 55 ms). The number before configuration is 1 for LAN interfaces, and 6 for WAN interfaces, or it is the value that has been reconfigured with the interface delay command. In the example shown here, the number of ticks has been changed to 10.
Router(config)#interface serial 1
Router(config-if)#ipx delay 10

*Forwarding Broadcasts
Sometimes you may want a broadcast to reach certain servers or network segments. Because routers block broadcast requests by default, you must configure this option yourself. Use this command format to forward broadcasts:
Router(config-if)#ipx helper-address network.node
The argument network is the hexadecimal number that identifies the network where the target IPX is located. The number can range from 1 to FFFFFFFD. Leading zeros can be omitted. The node argument is the node number of the destination Novell server. It is presented in the format of a dotted triplet of four-digit hexadecimal numbers. The network.node number -1.FFFF.FFFF.FFFF denotes flooding to all servers on all networks. This "all-nets" flooding must be used with caution.

*An Example of Forwarding Broadcasts
In the example shown, broadcasts on the Ethernet interface 0 are forwarded to IPX server 00c2.45ab.123d on network cc.
Router(config)#interface ethernet 0
Router(config-if)#ipx helper-address cc.00c2.45ab.123d

Question 21

Question 22

Topic 3.3: Configuring Routing Protocols

*Enhanced IGRP and NLSP
In this section, we'll show you how to do additional configurations for Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP) and NLSP.
RIP configuration has been covered in previous courses. Although EIGRP configuration has also been discussed previously, in this unit we'll show you a little more.

Topic 3.3.1: Enhanced IGRP

*Configuring EIGRP
EIGRP uses hello packets to discover neighboring routers and to determine whether neighbor routers are operational. After the hello packets relay information about the neighbors and their status, the routers then exchange routing information.
As you learned earlier, this is the command syntax for configuring EIGRP:
Router(config)#ipx router eigrp autonomous-system-number
Router(config-router)#network {network-number|all}
Router(config)#ipx router eigrp 112

*Changing the Default Interval
The default interval for sending hello packets is 5 seconds (except for NBMA — non-broadcast multi-access media — which uses a default of 60 seconds.). You can change this with the following command:
Router(config-if)#ipx hello-interval eigrp autonomous-system-number seconds
In the example shown, the hello packets will be sent every 10 seconds on the autonomous system 112.
Router(config)interface ethernet 0
Router(config-if) ipx network 112
Router(config-if) ipx hello-interval eigrp 112 10

You may also choose to change the hold time. This is the syntax:
Router(config-if)#ipx hold-time eigrp autonomous-system-number seconds
The hold time, which is sent in the hello packet, is the time interval for which a neighbor can consider the sending router's information as valid. By default, the holdtime is 15 seconds. You should not adjust the default hold time, however, without conferring with Cisco technical support!

*Reducing SAP Updates
With Enhanced IGRP, you can reduce SAP updates on an interface. The default on serial interfaces is for SAP updates to be sent to an Enhanced IGRP neighbor when SAP information changes. This is not the default for LAN interfaces.
If all the routers in the LAN use Enhanced IGRP, you can configure the LAN to send SAP updates only when there are changes in SAP information. This can greatly reduce bandwidth demands on a LAN interface. This is the syntax:
Router(config-if)#ipx sap-incremental eigrp autonomous-system-number rsup-only
The keyword rsup-only means that SAP updates are sent only when there is a change in information and just the changes are sent in the update.
Router(config)#interface ethernet 1
Router(config-if)# ipx sap-incremental eigrp 192 rsup-only

Topic 3.3.2: NLSP

*Specifying NLSP
Since some configurations don't vary much from routing protocol to routing protocol, we'll move quickly through the NLSP configurations that you've already seen.
You can specify NLSP as the routing protocol with this syntax:
Router(config)#ipx router {eigrp autonomous-system-number|nlsp [tag]|rip}
tag is the process that is going to run NLSP. A process refers to the router's NLSP databases for an area. You can configure a maximum of three processes.
Router(config)#ipx routing
Router(config)#ipx router nlsp

*Configuring an Internal Network Number
For NLSP routing, you must first configure an internal network number, which is the network number assigned to each device, including your router.
Router(config)#ipx internal-network network-number
Router(config)#ipx internal-network e002

*Configuring the Encapsulation Type
Configure each interface with NLSP and the type of encapsulation. Use this command format:
Router(config)#interface type number.subinterface-number
Router(config-if)#ipx network network [encapsulation encapsulation-type]
Router(config)#interface ethernet 1
Router(config-if)#ipx network 1234 snap

*Enabling NLSP Routing
To enable routing, use the following:
Router(config)#ipx enable nlsp [tag]
In the example, the tag is area 2.
Router(config-if)#ipx enable nlsp area2

*The Total Configuration
Here is the total configuration.
Router(config)#ipx routing
Router(config)#ipx router nlsp
Router(config)#ipx internal-network 5
Router(config)#interface ethernet 1
Router(config-if)#ipx network 1234 snap
Router(config-if)#ipx enable nlsp area2

* Exercise 1
Try configuring IPX on your Cisco router.

Examine the following table
Step Action
1 Assume you have a Cisco router in your IPX network.
2 List the commands to configure IPX routing on two subinterfaces. Use the default novell-ether as your encapsulation.
3 Configure a floating static route.
4 Add the commands to specify NLSP as your routing protocol.

Topic 3.4: Unit 3 Summary

In this unit, you examined the commands to configure your IPX network. You enabled IPX routing, then discovered the ways to enhance routing performance.
You learned that configuring IPX routing protocols is similar, but not identical, to other routing protocol configurations you've already studied.
In the next unit, you'll investigate the ways to see how your IPX routing configurations are working.

Unit 4. Showing IPX Configurations

One of the easiest ways to confirm configurations and to troubleshoot IPX routing problems is to use the show and debug commands.
We will discuss the most helpful of these commands and analyze the output for each. Not only will this discussion illustrate the show and debug commands, but also it will show you typical parameters and the commands used to configure them.

After completing this unit, you should be able to:
  • List the show commands for monitoring IPX routing

  • List the debug commands for troubleshooting IPX routing

  • Describe the output for each command discussed

This unit does not address any specific Cisco objectives. However, it does provide background information that is essential for the CCNA exam.
In the course index, questions about background information are indicated with the abbreviation BCK and a short description of the question subject matter.

Topic 4.1: IPX Show Commands

*IPX show Commands
Here are the show commands that we will discuss:
  • show ipx interface
  • show ipx route
  • show ipx servers
  • show ipx traffic

Topic 4.1.1: Showing Interfaces

show ipx interface Command
The command show ipx interface displays the status and parameters of IPX interfaces. The command syntax is:
Router#show ipx interface [type number]
The optional type is the interface type, which can be asynchronous, dialer, Ethernet 802.3, FDDI, loopback, null, serial, Token Ring, or tunnel. The optional number is the interface number.

show ipx interface Output
The is one example of show ipx interface output:
Router#show ipx interface ethernet 0
Ethernet1 is up, line protocol is up
  IPX address is b03.0000.0b22.2314, NOVELL-ETHER [up] line-up, RIPPQ: 0, SAPPQ : 0
  Delay of this Novell network, in ticks is 1
  IPXWAN processing not enabled on this interface.
  IPX SAP update interval is 1 minute(s)
  IPX type 20 propagation packet forwarding is disabled
  Outgoing access list is not set
  IPX Helper access list is not set
  SAP Input filter list is not set
  SAP Output filter list is not set
  SAP Router filter list is not set
  SAP GNS output filter list is not set
  Input filter list is not set
  Output filter list is not set
  Router filter list is not set
  Netbios Input host access list is not set
  Netbios Input bytes access list is not set
  Netbios Output host access list is not set
  Netbios Output bytes access list is not set
  Update time is 60 seconds
  IPX accounting is enabled
  IPX fast switching is configured (enabled)
  IPX SSE switching is disabled

*The Interface Type and State
The first line shows the interface type and its state.
If the interface is up, the interface is active and inserted into the IPX network. If the interface is down, the interface is not active and is not inserted into the network.
Ethernet1 is up, line protocol is up

*The Network Address and More
The second line shows the following:
  • The network and node address of the local router interface is b03.0000.0b22.2314
  • The encapsulation is the default novell-ether
  • [up] indicates that IPX routing is active on the interface
  • line-up indicates that IPX routing has been enabled with the command ipx routing
  • RIP packet queue has zero packets
  • SAP packet queue has zero packets

  IPX address is b03.0000.0b22.2314, NOVELL-ETHER [up] line-up, RIPPQ: 0, SAPPQ : 0

*Outgoing SAP Updates, Etc.
The next lines indicate the following:
  • The number of ticks is 1. This is configured with the command ipx delay.
  • IPXWAN processing has not been enabled with the command ipx ipxwan.
  • The interval for outgoing SAP updates is 1 minute. This is configured with the command ipx update interval.
  • IPX type 20 packets for NetBIOS environments have not been enabled with the command ipx type-20 propagation.

  Delay of this Novell network, in ticks is 1
  IPXWAN processing not enabled on this interface.
  IPX SAP update interval is 1 minute(s)
  IPX type 20 propagation packet forwarding is disabled

*Commands to Generate Lists
The next lines indicate whether access lists, helper lists, and filter lists have been enabled to reduce traffic across an internetwork. The output is self-explanatory; however, we will tell you the commands that configure these lists:
  • Outgoing access list — ipx access-group
  • IPX helper access list — ipx helper-list
  • SAP input and output filter lists — ipx input-sap-filter and ipx output-sap-filter
  • SAP router filter list — ipx router-sap-filter
  • SAP GNS output filter list — ipx output-gns-filter
  • Input and output filter lists — ipx input-network-filter and ipx output-network-filter
  • Router filter list — ipx router-filter
  • NetBIOS input host and NetBIOS input bytes access lists — ipx netbios input-access-filter
  • NetBIOS output host and output bytes access lists — ipx netbios output-access-filter

  Outgoing access list is not set
  IPX Helper access list is not set
  SAP Input filter list is not set
  SAP Output filter list is not set
  SAP Router filter list is not set
  SAP GNS output filter list is not set
  Input filter list is not set
  Output filter list is not set
  Router filter list is not set
  Netbios Input host access list is not set
  Netbios Input bytes access list is not set
  Netbios Output host access list is not set
  Netbios Output bytes access list is not set

*The Last Lines and a Few More Commands
Now we'll explain the last few lines of output:
  • Update time is the interval that the IOS sends RIP updates. This is configured with ipx update sap-after-rip
  • IPX accounting is configured with ipx accounting
  • IPX fast switching and SSE switching are configured with the command ipx route-cache

  Update time is 60 seconds
  IPX accounting is enabled
  IPX fast switching is configured (enabled)
  IPX SSE switching is disabled

Topic 4.1.2: Showing Routes

show ipx route Command
The next show command is show ipx route. This command displays the contents of routing tables. The command syntax is:
Router#show ipx route [network] [default] [detailed]
The network is the eight-digit hexadecimal number for the network. default displays the default route if it has been configured. detailed output displays route information in greater detail.

show ipx route Ouput
This is typical output for the show ipx route command.
Router# show ipx route
Codes: C - Connected primary network,    c - Connected secondary network
       S - Static, F - Floating static, L - Local (internal), W - IPXWAN
       R - RIP, E - EIGRP, N - NLSP, X - External, A - Aggregate
       s - seconds, u - uses
8 Total IPX routes. Up to 1 parallel paths and 16 hops allowed.
No default route known.
L        D40 is the internal network
C        100 (NOVELL-ETHER), Et1
C       8000 (TUNNEL),        Tu1
S        200 via     8000.0000.0d15.5034,        Tu1
R        300 [02/01] via      200.0620.2c8d.e543,   19s, Et1
S       2008 via     8000.0000.0d15.5034,        Tu1
R     CC0001 [02/01] via      200.0620.2c8d.e543,   19s, Et1

*How the Route Was Learned, Its Age, and Its Usage
The first four lines explain the codes used identify how a route was learned, as well as the age and usage of each route:
  • C and c — connected primary and connected secondary networks, respectively
  • S and F — a static or floating static route that is configured with the command ipx route
  • L — an internal (local) network number
  • R, EIGRP, NLSP — routes learned from RIP, EIGRP, or NLSP updates
  • X — external route
  • A — an aggregate route
  • s — The age in seconds since the last information about the network was received
  • u — The number of times this network's information has been accessed in the route table. This number reflects the number of times a route is used.

Codes: C - Connected primary network,    c - Connected secondary network
       S - Static, F - Floating static, L - Local (internal), W - IPXWAN
       R - RIP, E - EIGRP, N - NLSP, X - External, A - Aggregate
       s - seconds, u - uses

*The Number of Routes and More
The next portion of the output shows this:
  • The number of routes in the IPX routing table
  • The maximum number of parallel paths for load-sharing, as configured by the command ipx maximum-paths
  • The maximum number of hops allowed
  • Known default routes

8 Total IPX routes. Up to 1 parallel paths and 16 hops allowed.
No default route known.

*The Routes in the Routing Table
The last portion of output displays the routes in the routing table, using the code format explained in the beginning of the output. The following explains the first few lines:
  • The local, or internal, network is D40.
  • The directly connected primary network is Ethernet 1, which uses novell-ether encapsulation. Encapsulation is shown only for directly connected networks.
  • Another directly connected primary network is a tunnel interface with interface number 1.
  • The static route has the next hop defined as 8000.0000.0d15.5034. Packets will go through Tu1.
  • The route learned from a RIP update has a next hop of 200.0620.2c8d.e543. The age since the last update is 19 seconds. The delay/hop values to the destination network are 2 ticks and 1 hop. Packets will go through Et1.

L        D40 is the internal network
C        100 (NOVELL-ETHER), Et1
C       8000 (TUNNEL),        Tu1
S        200 via     8000.0000.0d15.5034,        Tu1
R        300 [02/01] via      200.0620.2c8d.e543,   19s, Et1
S       2008 via     8000.0000.0d15.5034,        Tu1
R     CC0001 [02/01] via      200.0620.2c8d.e543,   19s, Et1

Question 23

Question 24

Question 25

Topic 4.1.3: Showing Servers

show ipx servers Command
The command show ipx servers displays the IPX servers, which are discovered through SAP advertisements. This is the command syntax:
Router#show ipx servers [unsorted|[sorted[name|net|type]] [regexp name]
Notice that this command carries one input argument and six optional keywords. Use unsorted to show the IPX server output in an unsorted format. Use sorted to sort either alphabetically by name, numerically by network net, or numerically by SAP service type. You can also display the IPX servers by names that match a regular expression.
The default is shown here.

show ipx servers Output
Shown here is typical show ipx servers output.
Router# show ipx servers
Codes: S - Static, P - Periodic, E - EIGRP, N - NLSP, H - Holddown, + = detail
8 Total IPX Servers
Table ordering is based on routing and server info
Type Name                      Net  Address          Port Route Hops Itf
N+   4 JUNO1-VIA-E03           E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  4    Et0
N+   4 juno                    E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  3    Et0
N+   4 juno 123456789012345    E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  3    Et0
S    4 MOON1--VIA-E0           E0.0002.0004.0006:0451     none  2
N+   4 dtp-15-AB               E002.0002.0004.0006:0451   none  4    Et0
N+   4 dtp-15-ABC              E002.0002.0004.0006:0451   none  4    Et0
N+   4 juno                    E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  3    Et0
N+   4 dtp-15-ABC              E002.0002.0004.0006:0451   none  4    Et0

*It All Starts with a Code
Like show ipx route, the show ipx servers command begins with a code that indicates how the server became known. This code appears in the Type category at the bottom of the output. Here is an explanation of the terms used in the code:
  • Static — identifies a static service which was configured with the command ipx sap
  • Periodic — identifies a service conveyed in a SAP update
  • EIGRP — identifies a service conveyed by Enhanced IGRP
  • NLSP — identifies a service conveyed by NLSP
  • Holddown — identifies an entry that is not reachable
  • + = detail — identifies a server that has more than one path leading to it. More information is available with the command show ipx servers detailed.

Codes: S - Static, P - Periodic, E - EIGRP, N - NLSP, H - Holddown, + = detail

*The Number of Servers and the Source
The next two lines list the number of servers found and the information source behind the output.
8 Total IPX Servers
Table ordering is based on routing and server info

*Eight IPX Servers
The last lines show the eight IPX servers
  • Type is identified in the code
  • Name is the server's name
  • Net is the network on which the server resides
  • Address is the network address for the server
  • Port is the socket number of the source
  • Route is the number of ticks and hops from where the routing table resides
  • Hops is the number of hops given by the SAP protocol
  • Itf is the interface through which the server can be reached

Type Name                      Net  Address          Port Route Hops Itf
N+   4 JUNO1-VIA-E03           E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  4    Et0
N+   4 juno                    E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  3    Et0
N+   4 juno 123456789012345    E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  3    Et0
S    4 MOON1--VIA-E0           E0.0002.0004.0006:0451     none  2
N+   4 dtp-15-AB               E002.0002.0004.0006:0451   none  4    Et0
N+   4 dtp-15-ABC              E002.0002.0004.0006:0451   none  4    Et0
N+   4 juno                    E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  3    Et0
N+   4 dtp-15-ABC              E002.0002.0004.0006:0451   none  4    Et0

*Interpreting the First Line of Input
Given the explanation of output, we can interpret the first line of input. The server Juno was learned through NLSP. It can be reached through Ethernet 0 at the network address E03.0002.0004.0006 and the port 0451. This route, according to the routing table, is 4 ticks and 3 hops. The route is 4 hops according to SAP.
You could use the show ipx servers detailed command for more information about every server except Moon1.
Type Name                      Net  Address          Port Route Hops Itf
N+   4 JUNO1-VIA-E03           E03E03.0002.0004.0006:0451 4/03  4    Et0

Question 26

Question 27

Topic 4.1.4: Showing Traffic

show ipx traffic Command
The last show command we'll discuss is show ipx traffic.
This command displays output about the number and type of IPX packets exchanged. The command takes neither arguments nor keywords.
Router#show ipx traffic

show ipx traffic Output
Shown here is typical show ipx traffic output.
Router#show ipx traffic
Rcvd:   693135 total, 48792 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 bad hop count,
        31542 packets pitched, 395493 local destination, 0 multicast
Bcast:  285465 received, 336725 sent
Sent:   420393 generated, 277100 forwarded
        0 encapsulation failed, 0 no route
SAP:    4239 SAP requests, 0 SAP replies, 33 servers
        0 SAP Nearest Name requests, 0 replies
        0 SAP General Name requests, 0 replies
        191436 SAP advertisements received, 276936 sent
        115 SAP flash updates sent, 0 SAP format errors
RIP:    5776 RIP requests, 446 RIP replies, 18 routes
        98274 RIP advertisements received, 79438 sent
        72 RIP flash updates sent, 0 RIP format errors
Echo:   Rcvd 0 requests, 0 replies
        Sent 0 requests, 0 replies
        3448 unknown: 0 no socket, 0 filtered, 3448 no helper
        0 SAPs throttled, freed NDB len 0
        0 packets received, 0 replies spoofed
Queue lengths:
        IPX input: 0, SAP 0, RIP 0, GNS 0
        SAP throttling length: 0/(no limit), 0 nets pending lost route reply
        Delayed process creation: 0
EIGRP:  Total received 0, sent 0
        Updates received 0, sent 0
        Queries received 0, sent 0
        Replies received 0, sent 0
        SAPs received 0, sent 0
NLSP:   Level-1 Hellos received 0, sent 0
        PTP Hello received 0, sent 0
        Level-1 LSPs received 0, sent 0
        LSP Retransmissions: 0
        LSP checksum errors received: 0
        LSP HT=0 checksum errors received: 0
        Level-1 CSNPs received 0, sent 0
        Level-1 PSNPs received 0, sent 0
        Level-1 DR Elections: 0
        Level-1 SPF Calculations: 0
        Level-1 Partial Route Calculations: 0

*Not As Complicated As It Looks
Although the output is lengthy, it is not difficult to understand. Therefore, we will point out just a few lines, beginning with the first lines, which summarize all of the packets received:
  • Total number of packets received.
  • Number of packets discarded because of format errors. Examples of errors include corrupted headers, or packets with encapsulation that is wrong for the interface.
  • Number of packets with a checksum error. Zero packets is customary.
  • Number of packets discarded because they needed more than 15 hop counts to reach destination.
  • Number of packets discarded because they were broadcast packets sent back to the originating device.
  • Number of packets sent to a local broadcast address or the router.

Router#show ipx traffic
Rcvd:   693135 total, 48792 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 bad hop count,
        31542 packets pitched, 395493 local destination, 0 multicast

*Echo Output
The Echo output refers to ping activity, specifically:
  • The number of ping requests and replies received.
  • The number of ping requests and replies sent.
  • The third line lists the number of unknown, and therefore, unsupported packets received on a socket.
  • The number of packets that can't be forwarded because socket, filter, or helper information has not been correctly configured.
  • The number of SAPs throttled, which means the number of SAP packets that exceeded buffer capacity and therefore were discarded.
  • The number of NDBs (Network Descriptor Blocks) that have to be removed from the routing table because they have already been removed from the network.

Echo:   Rcvd 0 requests, 0 replies
        Sent 0 requests, 0 replies
        3448 unknown: 0 no socket, 0 filtered, 3448 no helper
        0 SAPs throttled, freed NDB len 0

Question 28

Question 29

Question 30

Topic 4.2: IPX Debug Commands

*Debug Commands
These are the two debug commands we will discuss:
  • debug ipx routing
  • debug ipx sap
The command debug ipx routing displays information about IPX routing packets sent and received by a router. The command carries no arguments or keywords. Use the keyword command no to disable the debugging of output.
Router#debug ipx routing
Router#no debug ipx routing

*Good for Large Internetworks
This command is useful in internetworks that consist of more than 50 networks. In such situations, the router, which can include only 50 entries in an update of its routing table, would have to send more than one update packet for every update interval.
For example, if an internetwork contains 90 networks, one update packet of 50 entries and one update packet of 40 entries would be sent at every update interval.

debug ipx routing Output
Here is a typical output to debug ipx routing.
Router#debug ipx routing
IPX routing debugging is on
IPXRIP: update from 9876.0246.7a8b.1492
        111234 in 1 hops, delay 2
IPXRIP: sending update to 3030.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet0
        network 1010, metric 2, delay 3
        network 1020, metric 3, delay 4

*Interpreting the Output
According to the output, the IPX packet is a routing update packet from the IPX server. The server's address is 9876.0246.7a8b.1492. The network 111234 is 1 hop and 2 ticks away from the server. The delay — or tick value — tells the NetWare shell software how long it needs to wait before receiving a response from the file server.
Router#debug ipx routing
IPX routing debugging is on
IPXRIP: update from 9876.0246.7a8b.1492
        111234 in 1 hops, delay 2

*Update Packet Information
The routing update packet is being sent to network 3030.ffff.ffff.ffff via an Ethernet 0 interface. The update information includes information for network 1010, which is 2 hops and 3 ticks away from the router. The update information also includes network 1020, which is 3 hops and 4 ticks away from the router.
IPXRIP: sending update to 3030.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet0
        network 1010, metric 2, delay 3
        network 1020, metric 3, delay 4

debug ipx sap Command
The second debug command is debug ipx sap, which displays information about SAP packets. This is the command syntax:
Router#debug ipx sap [activity|events]
The keyword activity causes more output, due to the greater detail about the services advertised in the SAP packet. The keyword events displays less output about significant events.

Troubleshooting is easier if you use both debug ipx sap activity and debug ipx sap events.
However, use of both these commands can produce a great amount of output, especially on networks with sizeable service tables and numerous interfaces.

debug ipx sap events Output
Here is typical output for debug ipx sap events.
Router#debug ipx sap events
IPX service events debugging is on
NovellSAP: at 0032F225
I SAP Response type 0x2 len 160 src:210.0000.0c00.070d dest:210.ffff.ffff.ffff(452)
  type 0x4, "HELLO2", 221.0004.0006.0008 (451), 2 hops
  type 0x4, "HELLO1", 221.0004.0006.0004 (451), 2 hops
NovellSAP:  sending update to 210
NovellSAP:  at 00253050
O SAP Update type 0x2 len 96 ssoc:0x452 dest:210.ffff.ffff.ffff(452)
Novell: type 0x4 "Moon", 53.0000.0000.0001 (451), 2 hops

*The Internal Router Memory Address
The first line of output describes the internal router memory address of the packet.
This is given primarily for Cisco technical support, in case you need to contact them with a problem you cannot troubleshoot.
NovellSAP:  at 0032F225

*Description of an Incoming SAP Packet
The next two lines describes a SAP packet coming into the router:
  • I stands for input.
  • type 0x2 identifies the packet type in the format 0xn. 0x2 is a General response (0x1 is a General query, 0x3 is a GNS request, and 0x4 is a GNS response).
  • len 160 is the length of the packet in bytes.
  • src 210.0000.0c00.070d is the source address of the packet.
  • dest 210.ffff.ffff.ffff is the destination network of the packet. This is expressed as the IPX network number and broadcast address.
  • (452) is the IPX socket number for the source process that is sending the packet. For this command out, the number is always 452, which represents a SAP process.

I SAP Response type 0x2 len 160 src:210.0000.0c00.070d dest:210.ffff.ffff.ffff(452)

*More about That SAP Packet
The next two lines also describe the SAP packet coming into the router:
  • type 0x4 identifies file server as the service provided by the server that is sending the packet. The format is 0xn. The list of service types and codes is too long to list here.
  • "HELLO2" is the name of the advertised server.
  • 221.0004.0006.0008 (451) is the network address and socket number for the server sending the SAP packet.
  • 2 hops is the number of hops from router to server.

  type 0x4, "HELLO2", 221.0004.0006.0008 (451), 2 hops
  type 0x4, "HELLO1", 221.0004.0006.0004 (451), 2 hops

*The Update Packet Being Sent
The last four lines pertain to the update packet that the router is sending. It follows the same format as the input SAP packet output, with these exceptions:
  • O indicates output
  • 0x2 is a general response

NovellSAP:  sending update to 210
NovellSAP:  at 00253050
O SAP Update type 0x2 len 96 ssoc:0x452 dest:210.ffff.ffff.ffff(452)
Novell: type 0x4 "Moon", 53.0000.0000.0001 (451), 2 hops

Question 31

Question 32

Question 33

* Exercise 1
Try listing and differentiating the show and debug commands in IPX routing.

Examine the following table
Step Action
1 List the four show commands discussed in this unit. Be sure to include the arguments and keywords.
2 Describe the output for each command.
3 List the two debug commands. Be sure to include the arguments and keywords.
4 Describe the output for each command.
5 For each show and debug command, describe a situation in which you, as network administrator of an IPX network, would prefer this command over the others.

Topic 4.3: Unit 4 Summary

In this unit, you examined the commands that show IPX routing configurations and packet activity to and from your router. These commands are extremely useful for monitoring and troubleshooting your IPX network.
In other words, this last unit shows the results of the first three units, which explained IPX protocols, addressing, encapsulation, and how to configure routers for IPX networking.

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